Hi there,


My name is Marios Kefalas and I am a machine learning engineer at Slimmer AI. Previous to this I was working as a researcher and PhD candidate at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) at Leiden University in The Netherlands, working at the CIMPLO project. I am interested in time-series, machine-learning (ML), deep-learning and generally artificial intelligence (AI) for industrial and health data. My current work is mainly focused around AI/ML in predictive maintenance. You can find more about my work in my Research Gate or under Publications or feel free to email me. I am currently finishing up my PhD and looking for opportunities in industry as a data-scientist/data-analyst.

Besides work/research, I enjoy reading history, learning anything new (literally anything, from random facts all the way to new tech), cooking bolognese, photography and good coffee. I am always up for a discussion, good food and I love cinematography and movies. Before the Covid-19 pandemic I also did some theatre in Leiden.

I originally come from Glyfada, Athens, Greece where I grew up. I studied at the department of Mathematics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens pure and applied Mathematics (with concentrations on pure) and then decided to move to The Netherlands for my Master’s in Computer Science (Bioinformatics) back in 2015.


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